Connor Sports to Sponsor New Orleans Peace Games

Source: Connor Sports

NEW ORLEANS (June 30, 2015) -- Connor Sports has been named the Title Sponsor of the 2015 Youth Peace Summit and Basketball Tournament to be held July 1-2 at Loyola University in New Orleans.

The global industry leader in hardwood sports courts, Connor Sports is both the title sponsor and a key collaborator for the event that is a program of the New Orleans Peace League program modeled after the Chicago Peace Games held annually at St. Sabina Catholic Church on the south side of Chicago, and supported by Connor Sports.

The Peace Summit and Basketball Tournament will blend basketball and life skills and conflict resolution sessions delivered to young men and women age 16-25. The Peace League of New Orleans was launched in 2014 as a faith-based, year-round basketball league currently consisting of quarterly 6-week basketball tournaments currently targeted to for young men of color between the ages of 17-25. The program is a partnership between Temple of Praise Ministries, One Voice Louisiana, and Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans.

“The mission of our Connor Sports Cares community initiative is abundantly clear, and the 2015 Youth Peace Summit and Basketball Tournament is a natural fit to tie into the impactful Peace Games program held annually in Chicago and also the 2014 Peace Games in New York city that we heavily support,” said Jon Isaacs, GM/President of Connor Sports. We must, and will highlight and support programs that strive to positively impact our youth, communities and their families.”

About Connor Sport Court International /
More athletic events are played on Connor Sport Court surfaces than on any other sports flooring in the world. Founded in 1872, Connor Sports floors have established themselves as the standard for professional and collegiate sports. Hardwood used in the courts is from a renewable resource, with the U.S. growing six times more hardwood than is harvested each year. Sport Court® is a registered trade mark of Connor Sport Court International. Since 1974, it has identified the original and authentic modular sport surface, continuously improved and patented to provide the highest levels of quality and performance. Connor Sport Court is proud to be the only sports surfacing company in the world that is independently audited and verified as "Zero Waste" and fully ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001 certified. Connor Sports is on Facebook at and on Twitter @Connor_Sports

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