Two Houston-area youth baseball umpires were arrested at a baseball park after they were filmed allegedly buying drugs.
Waller County sheriff Troy Guidry told Fox 26 that the department. had received a top that two juveniles and two adults were involved in a drug deal at a baseball. park. An off-duty law enforcement officer recorded the deal taking place, which involved two marijuana vape pens.
"The two umpires had purchased these illegal vape pens, it was on video," said Guidry. "After taking them into custody, it turns out both of them were in possession of meth."
Officers also discovered that one of the umpires had methamphetamine in his care, while the other had meth in a pocket.
Four people were arrested, including a juvenile.
"It is illegal [to have] marijuana in the state of Texas, and we’re sticking true to that in this county," said Guidry. "It’s not allowed on our baseball fields, or [near] any of our children, that’s how we need to keep it."
Charges are now being filed against all involved.