One doesn’t have to contract COVID-19 to feel the coronavirus pandemic. In many ways, to varying degrees, we have all experienced the virus's life-altering effects. As society strives to mitigate transmission of the disease while minimizing its personal, cultural and economic impact, word continues to spread of how individuals are coping in and out of their workplace, or how their business is contributing to our collective care and recovery.
AB Today is asking you to share your stories. Whether you’re an individual employee within the athletics, fitness and recreation industries adopting new ways to carry out your day-to-day job duties, or a decision-maker finding ways your business can assist entire communities in crisis, let us know what you’re doing — and how you’re doing. In the spirit of all of us being in this together, we will compile your narratives for presentation at a future date. You great idea or story could inspire your peers, and help other communities deal with this challenging time.
Please email your responses to: [email protected]
Thank you, and take care!