The Neil Campbell Rowing Centre demonstrates how simple, elemental and respectful design can support a broad spectrum of uses and enhance the identity of a venerable place, while also achieving both net-zero-energy and zero-carbon-emission benchmarks.
The project was a key venue for the 2022 Canada Summer Games and will host the 2024 World Rowing Championships. Beyond this, it will provide year-round fitness and rowing training for Canadian athletes, continuing the site’s rich history of competition that began in 1903.
The form of the building is generated by the roof, which is designed with an innovative mass-timber system utilizing Canadian glue-laminated and cross-laminated timber products, and held aloft by a light steel column structure and a centralized CLT core. The biased overhanging timber roof, operable doors and concrete steps to the watercourse further reinforce the connection to the water and create a visual identity for the facility from across Martindale Pond. The building employs a simple, robust material palette and a high-performance building envelope. Passive sun control and low-energy mechanical and electrical systems combine to achieve a high level of environmental sustainability while reducing ongoing operating and maintenance costs.
MJMA Architecture & Design
Toronto, Ont.
Raimondo + Associates Architects
Niagara Falls, Ont.
Fitness Center - Cardiovascular Equipment | CONCEPT 2 ROWERG ROWER |
Fitness Center - Flooring, Fitness Center | Regupol AktivPro |
Locker/Shower - Flooring | Daltile Unglazed Porcelain Mosaic |