Multipurpose recreation centers oughtn't feature single-purpose lockers, and yet many facilities come equipped with inappropriately sized day lockers.
Multipurpose recreation centers oughtn't feature single-purpose lockers, and yet many facilities come equipped with inappropriately sized day lockers. During the expansion and renovation of the University of Florida's Southwest Recreation Center, day lockers were updated from uniformly sized metal lockers to custom wood lockers that more easily accommodate users looking to store racquets, gym bags, motorcycle helmets or just their car keys and phone. RDG Planning & Design specified five different sizes of lockers equipped with Digilock mechanisms that lock and unlock using a code chosen on the spot by the locker user. Flat-panel TVs incorporated into the design run a loop explaining the no-cost locker system (a light indicates whether a locker is vacant or in use), as well as recreation services promotional fare. Recreation center staff report that the lockers' maximum flexibility has led to a corresponding decline in theft in the renovated facility.