Cheerleading Team Suspended Indefinitely at APSU as Investigation Begins

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Austin Peay State University's cheerleading team was suspended indefinitely by the university Wednesday.

In a statement, the university said that as it investigates allegations against the team, "the cheerleading team and staff will not be permitted to represent the university or athletics department at future events,” according to a report.

The cheerleaders were not with the men's basketball team for the game Wednesday at Central Arkansas, which the Governors lost 76-69, as reported by the Tennessean. The men's basketball team has four games left in the regular season and the women's team has five games remaining.

Athletics director Gerald Harrison didn't go into detail about the suspension, but the Tennessean reported that he said the university was made aware of potential violations by the squad, at which point the investigation began.

Harrison told the newspaper that the university's athletic department will not be leading the investigation.

"This only deals with our cheerleading squad," Harrison told The Leaf Chronicle, as reported in the Tennessean. "This does not include the dance (team) or mascot at this time. We take this very seriously and we'll move this along as best we can and it will be thorough."

There are 25 members on two Austin Peay cheer teams, which are coached by Maurice Grant.

"Our investigation is still in its infancy so I don't want to speculate where it would lead to, or could lead to," Harrison said. "We have to let the process run its course and let dedicated professionals that deal with these issues deal with it. If that takes a day or two then it takes a day or two. If it takes four week then it takes four weeks. I don't know and I'm not rushing them for a judgement."

Austin Peay State University is a public university in Clarksville, Tenn.

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