Virginia legislators are considering a bill that would require student-athletes to undergo a mental health assessment before joining a team.
“Let’s put just a simple requirement as a screener for mental health as part of this sports physical process,” Sen. Stella Pekarsky (D) 36th District told WWBT.
Pekarsky believes the bill would allow administrators to spot red flags in students before they reach a breaking point.
The bill says no public elementary or secondary school student can be on a team or try out for any squad unless they have submitted a signed report from a licensed professional that they got a physical and mental health assessment.
“This bill, of course, will not in any way have any impact on whether or not a student can participate in sports; the info will not be shared with the schools; it’s just a simple ‘did this student-athlete complete the sports physical and the mental health screener?’ Yes. And that is it,” ddPekarsky said.
Jonathan Young, a Richmond Public Schools board member, is against the bill, saying its a barrier to participation.
“To introduce some type of barrier to prohibit students, it’s not the right approach,” Young said. “I understand the intention. It’s motivated from a good place but the practical effect I can share as someone who works with students every day all day, it’s not the right approach.”
Pekarsky said the bill was reported to the full committee with a recommendation to pass it, and she says that will happen next week.