More than 100 religious leaders in Louisiana have signed an open letter addressed to members of the state legislature expressing their opposition to what they call a “cruel” bill that would ban transgender athletes from competing on teams according to their gender identity.
“Senate Bill 156, the so‐called “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,” is our legislature’s version of an Amalekite attack,” the group wrote. “The bill is full of cowardice and meanness and does nothing to make our shared society better. It is cynical and frivolous, seeking to extract political advantage by playing upon people’s prejudices and fears. Worse than its lack of utility in addressing any actual problem in Louisiana, the bill is cruel.”
The group, which includes Baptist leaders, rabbis, United Methodist ministers and Catholic priests, is asking Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards to veto the bill.
“Senate Bill 156 targets those least able to defend themselves – trans children, who are among the most vulnerable young people in our society, the most likely to be depressed, commit suicide and be victimized by peers,” the group wrote. “These children of God deserve our support and love and affirmation as they grow into adults, not our ridicule and scorn.”
The bill is likely to pass, as the state Senate on Tuesday voted 26-12 to override this veto — the exact numbers of votes needed, according to The Associated Press.