Youth Baseball League President Charged with Larceny

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The former head of a Massachusetts youth baseball league has been charged with stealing from the league he was charged with overseeing.

Mark Stoddard appeared in Lawrence District Court Wednesday on charges of larceny of property valued over $1,200.  

Prosecutors allege Stoddard, while involved with Methuen Youth Baseball, used or spent $53,900 in league funds for unauthorized purposes. Stoddard is also accused of running a sports memorabilia business using league money, according to court papers.  

Stoddard has seven children, five still living at home. He is also disabled and has limited funds.

His defense team noted Wednesday that he was not treasurer of the organization when the money was reported missing.

Stoddard’s attorney, Janine Lepore, said Stoddard is still working with a local wrestling league, which has a tournament coming up in the near future. The court released Stoddard on $5,000 bail and said he could continue to work with the wrestling team as long as he is not “involved in any financial distractions.”

William Page, current president of Methuen Youth Baseball, said the league is working to make things right again, with the league.

"We are all every sad this has happened. We are trying to rebuild the league and bring it back into good standing," Page told The Eagle-Tribune

While the initial police report was dated Aug. 24, 2018, charges weren’t actually brought against Stoddard until January of this year. Methuen detective Charles DeJesus filed a report stating he met with Stoddard regarding the theft. 

"Mark Stoddard was interviewed and admitted to using funds from the league," DeJesus wrote in his report. Stoddard told him "occasionally he used the wrong bank cards for league expenses and his personal expenses," according to the report. 

Stoddard’s next court date is scheduled for April 6.

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