A pair of Augusta University basketball coaches have been disciplined after it was discovered that they helped their players cheat.
According to The Augusta Press, head coach Dip Metress was suspended and assistant coach O’Neal Armstrong was fired following an investigation by AU’s Department of Human Resources that found the two had violated NCAA policy.
“Augusta University is committed to the highest standards of excellence, ethics and integrity. It is Augusta University’s policy not to comment on issues regarding personnel and/or ongoing investigations,” said associate vice president Aubrey Hinkson in a statement. “Our policies clearly communicate to faculty, staff and students that compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations is expected.”
Notes from the investigation found that Metress provided inappropriate academic assistance to a student athlete. Metress also had access to players’ emails/online learning accounts and saved them as bookmarks on his computer so that he could keep tabs on their class assignments, upcoming exams and papers.
In all, the NCAA found that Metress violated five NCAA policies, which led to his six-week suspension.
In addition to the suspension, the men’s basketball program will lose one of its 10 scholarships as of Fall 2022, and it will forfeit nine wins from the 2020-2021 season. Further, the university will not be allowed to have any presidential exemption admissions beginning Fall 2022. Presidential exemption admissions allow the university to admit students who have special talents and the potential to succeed academically but who do not meet other admission requirements.