About 25 children became sick at White Lake Water Park in North Carolina after a pool employee didn’t turn off the chlorine system, resulting in a small amount of concentrated chlorine being pumped into a wave pool.
According to Emergency Services director Bradley Kinlaw, five children were taken to a hospital by ambulance and approximately 20 more were taken in private vehicles. The children were experiencing nausea and vomiting and have since been discharged.
The park released a statement on their Facebook page after the incident apologizing and reassuring the public that they have taken steps to make sure something like this can’t happen again.
This afternoon, around 3:20 pm, we had an incident at our new wave pool where a higher than normal amount of pool bleach...
Posted by White Lake Water Park on Thursday, July 9, 2015
Several public safety agencies responded to the incident at the pool and tests have been done to ensure the chlorine levels are safe.
The park, including the wave pool, is still open to the public.