CMAHC Announces NSPF as First Founding Partner

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Source: Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC)

Decatur, Ga., August 13, 2015 -The Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code (CMAHC) is pleased to announce the National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF®) has invested as a Founding Sponsor of CMAHC to assist the fledgling non-profit organization. This much-appreciated support will help keep the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) sustainable, current, and complete and is a welcome continuation of NSPF's leadership that started with their early support for development of the MAHC. The CMAHC is member-driven and sponsor-supported. CMAHC is seeking organizations and companies who want to align with the CDC, one of the world's leading health organizations, and share a mission that makes aquatics the best it can be, promoting healthy fun and exercise at safe aquatic facilities.

"The CMAHC Board of Directors is very grateful to NSPF for their generous donation and leadership. NSPF has tremendous foresight and appreciation for the importance of the MAHC," said Douglas Sackett, Executive Director of the CMAHC. "With their sponsorship, and that of other leading organizations who reach for higher aquatic health and safety standards, the future looks bright. We will continue to drive the MAHC change process to keep swimming a leading healthy, safe family and individual activity," he added.

"We often learn to live with pain. Hundreds of pool codes are painful for industry and government. A science-based model code makes business easier and more efficient, regulation administration and influence easier, and the ultimate consumer safer and happier," said NSPF CEO, Thomas M. Lachocki, Ph.D. "Sponsoring and engaging with CMAHC at any level is a wise investment that benefits society and business," he concluded.

Additional CMAHC Founding Sponsorships are available through 2015; Hall of Fame, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorship opportunities are also available. Sponsorship helps underwrite the change process, organize and convene the Vote on the Code Biennial Conference, oversee the MAHC research agenda, and much more.

The CMAHC is unique in that no other organization exists exclusively to advocate, evolve, innovate, promote implementation, and organize research in support of the Model Aquatic Health Code. Unlike legislation, the MAHC is voluntarily adopted, wholly or in part, and driven by volunteer expertise. It is free, accessible to all, and backed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It took over 150 volunteer experts seven years to develop the Model Aquatic Health Code, which is the only all-inclusive, science-based, data-driven model pool code in existence. The MAHC was released in the summer of 2014. The MAHC guides aquatic facility, design, construction, operation, maintenance, policies and management of public aquatic facilities.

This October, CMAHC members will be voting on more than 150 proposed changes to the MAHC. People are encouraged to join CMAHC so they can have a voice in the MAHC update. Only CMAHC members have the ability to comment on proposed changes to the MAHC and only members can vote on the proposed changes. The voting will take place electronically during, and for two weeks after, the first CMAHC Vote on the Code 2015 Biennial Conference. The conference is slated for October 6-7, 2015, at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort, Scottsdale, Ariz., just prior to the 12th World Aquatic Health Conference at the same location. Join the CMAHC and register for the Vote on the Code 2015 conference now.

About The CMAHC
The CMAHC is a conduit for CDC to receive data-driven, science-based MAHC update advice from public health and aquatic industry experts committed to healthy and safe swimming by keeping the MAHC current, sustainable, and easily understood and implemented. It is member driven and sponsor supported. Learn more about becoming a member or a sponsor. 

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