Source: NATA
On behalf of the National Athletic Trainers' Association and the upcoming Super Bowl, we hope for a safe and exciting championship game.
Consider NATA a resource for your stories this week and please remember:
It’s ATHLETIC TRAINER not trainer.
Athletic trainers are health care professionals who prevent, diagnose, treat and rehab injuries and illnesses. Like the NFL, safety is a top priority for NATA. Athletic trainers are on every NFL team, committed to providing player safety and health care to ensure optimal performance during practices, games and the off-season.
Personal trainers or “trainers” focus solely on fitness and conditioning and have vastly different educational and certification requirements than athletic trainers.
Using the term “trainer” is often confusing and doesn’t distinguish the two professions. With all the specialization in health and fitness today, please reference the appropriate professionals on the field, even if you think the general public may know this already.
And, with the trickle-down effect on youth sports and safety education, proper reference is even more important. NATA is a proud supporter of the USA Football Heads Up Football program.
Here's to a great Super Bowl Sunday.
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