SOURCE: Medical Fitness Association
These are unprecedented times we are living through. It seems the whole country has come to a virtual standstill and that means your business will suffer. Almost all Medical Fitness Facilities across the country are closed until further notice.
In response, Congress is working on a series of COVID-19 relief packages. The packages that have passed and are being considered, largely ignore the non-profit sector. Since most of our members are non-profit, we are working hard to ensure your representation. We want to be sure that our industry is not left out, but in order to do this, we will need your help. Here is a copy of a letter I sent to the Congressional Leadership.
We need you to contact your Representatives and Senators and let them know you want them to include medical fitness centers of all types, for profit and not-for-profit, in their relief packages.
We also want to help our employees during this stressful time. Many of you have been furloughed, or laid off and are filing for unemployment. There are many cases where employers are trying to help their staff by allowing them to continue on the company health plan even though they will not be getting a paycheck. Unfortunately, in most states, employees receiving benefits from a former employer either cannot file for unemployment benefits, or those benefits are greatly reduced. We are petitioning governors and state legislators to change the rules to allow displaced employees to file for full unemployment benefits even if they are receiving some form of benefit (such as health insurance) from a former employer. We have prepared a letter for your use in this case as well.
To find out who your Congressional representatives are, click on the link.
Click here for your Congressional Representatives letter. Feel Free to Cut and paste into the Contact us form on your Representatives' website.
We have also drafted a letter to Congress from your C-Suite. Please feel free to pass this on to your hospital executives and ask for their support of our industry.
To find your state representatives, click on this link.
Click here for your Governor and State Representatives letter.
Please support our industry by sending the attached letters to all your federal and local representatives. As always, thank for supporting the Medical Fitness Association.