PHIT America Launches Petition For Healthy Kids
(WASHINGTON, DC) – August 18, 2020—PHIT America, a national charity dedicated to improving children’s health and academic performance, is launching the Petition For Healthy Kids campaign promoted by over 100 national and local influencers with the goal to get 50 million kids physically active by 2030 through school and community physical activity programs.
While the United States contends with controlling the spread of COVID-19, a less-talked-about pandemic, the Inactivity Pandemic, contributes to obesity and other health problems that can complicate recoveries from viruses and other illnesses. According to the C.D.C., more than 90 percent of COVID-19 deaths were patients who had at least one underlying health issue. Obesity was often the primary risk factor for younger COVID-19-infected patients. Getting kids more active can reduce obesity and related illnesses.
PHIT America Founder Jim Baugh notes that over the last few years, almost 50 percent of U.S. schools have eliminated physical education, and many have eliminated recess. “Today, 93 percent of American children do not meet Center for Disease Control (C.D.C) recommended physical activity standards. Is it any wonder that 60 percent of kids will be obese by age 35?” Baugh adds, “We have to get kids healthier immediately to prevent more pre-existing medical conditions. Our programs do exactly that!”
Youth physical activity and fitness directly impacts health and cognitive development. Unfortunately, kids in America are ranked 47th out of 50 countries in the world in fitness. The PHIT campaign encourages all Americans to sign its petition at for all kids to receive a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times per week in school.
Leading medical journal The Lancet* declared a pandemic of physical inactivity accounting for 5 million annual deaths worldwide. Dr. Zhen Yan, a researcher who has looked at exercise’s role in curbing the effects of COVID-19 at the University of Virginia’s School of Medicine, implicitly says, “If we want to protect our kids from deadly COVID-19, we must increase their physical activity and get them healthier. Too many kids already have pre-existing conditions such as obesity.”
“Signing the Petition For Healthy Kids is a great way to protect kids today and for their future,” says Baugh. “I hope every American shows their support.”
Through its established physical activity programs, PHIT America has already introduced 540,000 kids to regular physical activity and fitness. In Sept. 2019, PHIT America received a multi-million-dollar commitment from the Seattle-based Julia Love Pritt Private Foundation, which accelerates PHIT’s fundraising timetable to help establish more fitness programs in American schools. PHIT welcomes private and corporate donations in its pursuit to end the Inactivity Pandemic. Donate, sign the petition and learn more about PHIT initiatives by visiting PHIT America. All data and research sources can be found on