$100,000-Grant-Funded Police Fitness Center Opens

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A community in Georgia has just cut the ribbon on a new fitness center at the police department funded by a grant. 

The Rome News-Tribune reported that local law enforcement members and the public in Rome, Ga., Thursday were able to see a project several months in the making hit its next milestone:  the old gym at the Law Enforcement Center got a facelift and new fitness center at the Floyd County Police Department opened.

“This is such a huge boost for the department and for the public we serve,” said Sgt. William Wacker, whose idea it was to apply for the grant. Wacker starred in a comedic application video in which he was a Steve Irwin-wannabe making his way through the lost ruins of the old gym.

Wacker said applying for the grant was just a shot in the dark that turned out to be a huge blessing.

Innovation Fitness, which manages the grant, said the video was a big part of why they chose FCPD for the grant. A representative said “everything was bad, the paint, the carpet, the equipment. Nothing was salvageable. We knew this would have big community impact.”

The grant covers about $108,000 worth of new equipment, paint, flooring and a television for the fitness center, transforming what was once a dark, dingy space into a clean and bright room filled with new equipment, providing a fresh energy and atmosphere, the News-Tribune reported.

"The difference is night and day,” Wacker said. “The more we can help our officers take care of themselves, get more physically fit and relieve stress, the better they can serve the public — and that’s what they’re here for, to serve. If our officers are in better shape and have a better attitude, they’ll be able to do their jobs better.”

The fitness center will be maintained by the FCPD and will be open 24/7 to be used by Floyd County and Rome police departments.

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