NCAA Committee Mulls Wellbeing Survey, Cannabinoid Study

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At its September meeting, the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports approved actions around a comprehensive well-being survey, drug testing operational and policy issues, and a new mental health advisory group. The moves were made in support of the committee's mission to promote a healthy and safe environment for student-athletes across the Association. 

Comprehensive well-being survey

CSMAS approved the development of a comprehensive student-athlete well-being survey to streamline and better prioritize topics from the NCAA quadrennial surveys and other student-athlete health and well-being surveys. 

Historically, NCAA research has conducted multiple surveys to gain insight into the student-athlete experience. This comprehensive effort would harvest health and safety content out of those surveys to create a single, robust well-being survey. The new survey is expected to be distributed in fall 2022. 

New drug testing subcommittee and review of cannabinoid policy

CSMAS also approved the development of a drug testing subcommittee to address drug testing operational and policy issues. 

This subcommittee will include CSMAS members from all three divisions and will include a representative from one of the national Student-Athlete Advisory Committees. It will be chaired by the CSMAS member designated as the committee's drug testing expert. 

In consideration of the evolving landscape regarding cannabis use, CSMAS charged the drug testing subcommittee to explore possible changes to Association cannabinoid policy that would recenter the identification and deterrence of problematic cannabis use. The subcommittee recommendations are expected to be drafted by early 2022. Further, CSMAS directed the development of a summit to solicit input from membership stakeholders and industry experts related to the well-being and performance aspects of cannabis use. 

New mental health advisory group

As an initial effort to respond to outcomes from the 2020 Diverse Student-Athlete Mental Health and Well-Being Summit, CSMAS approved broader membership socialization of the concepts developed at the summit and supported suggestions related to the review and update of the NCAA Mental Health Best Practices document. CSMAS also approved the creation of a Mental Health Advisory Group that would work under the direction and oversight of the committee to lead the review of best practice materials and be responsible for advising the Association on emerging developments in mental health science and policy.

The mission of CSMAS is to provide expertise and leadership to the Association to promote a healthy and safe environment for student-athletes through research, education, collaboration and policy development.

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