Boxing champ Floyd Mayweather on Tuesday unveiled a new high-tech fitness program that follows on the trend toward "virtual" fitness experiences.
On the opening day of the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show, Mayweather introduced the Mayweather Boxing + Fitness Virtual Reality Experience, a virtual reality workout program that will be available at Mayweather Boxing + Fitness tech-enabled gym locations.
According to a press release, the program provides high intensity cardio and skill-based workouts through a virtual environment, with Mayweather serving as coach. The program spans a 12-week program, with the VR experience taking users through a series of workouts each week, getting progressively more challenging over time, as skill and fitness levels increase. The VR headset device and hand controls track speed, punch intensity and calories burned.
"Boxing gave me a platform to become a world-class athlete, and I'm using those skills to build a global fitness platform that will help people to train better and smarter," Mayweather said in a release. "I've seen how the fitness industry has evolved; and now we're taking it to the next level, not only by incorporating the workouts that I used throughout my career, but also by investing in cutting-edge technology and making that a core part of our offering."
In addition to brick-and-mortar gyms and the VR program, Mayweather Boxing + Fitness will launch a mobile app, which provides in-home workouts, heart rate measurement and tracking, community engagement, and class bookings for Mayweather Boxing + Fitness gyms.