A referee died Monday after collapsing during a high school basketball game in Wisconsin.
According to The Associated Press, Tracy Krueger was officiating a game between Richland Center and Mount Horeb when he collapsed on the court. Richland Center principal Jon Bosworth said that the 69-year-old Krueger blew his whistle indicating he needed a break, then collapsed as people gathered to provide assistance.
Medical professionals helped transport Krueger to the hospital, where he died that night. No cause was given for the death of the longtime referee, coach and teacher.
“As he did as a colleague, competitor, teacher, and coach, he was once again sharing his love of athletics, competitive spirit, teamwork and fair play, while refereeing a basketball game when he collapsed on the court,” Krueger’s son, Brendan, wrote in an email to Tracy’s friends. “Please honor my father, and yourself, by finding time and opportunities to reach out to those around you.”
The University of Wisconsin men’s basketball team recognized Krueger, along with AAU coach Ritchie Davis, during Tuesday’s home win over Penn State.