Copyright 2016 Dayton Newspapers, Inc.
Dayton Daily News (Ohio)
TROY - It didn't take long for supporters of a proposed temporary Troy tax to pay for enhanced recreation facilities to resurface after a property-tax request was pulled at the last minute from the Nov. 8 ballot.
The Operation Recreation Levy Committee returned this month with a revised proposal for a different type of tax that would generate more money annually for the previously proposed projects, plus more.
The revised proposal also includes a smaller amount of pledged private funding, more city money for projects and a larger role by city staff and the mayor in promoting the new proposal.
The proposed projects list has been expanded to include a second ice rink near the Hobart Arena.
The $2.01 million request was designed to generate $1 million a year for 10 years for projects at Duke Park, Miami Shores Golf Course and the Senior Citizens Center.
The request was taken off the ballot by a city council vote Nov. 7 after a misplaced decimal point was discovered in ballot language.
The new proposal would generate $2.57 million a year for 10 years.
The additional money, basically, would cover the cost of the second sheet of ice.
"With discussion with city staff we bounced around many ideas to pay for this. Because of the price tag and the only way to guarantee we were going to get all of these projects built was going to be on an income tax level," said Bobby Phillips, a council member and president of the Operation Recreation committee.
Councilman Brock Heath chairs the council committee that recommended the full council vote to place the income tax on the May ballot.
"What we are talking about is going to be huge for Troy," Heath said.
The proposed project list in the new Operation Recreation proposal includes:
Duke Park: A nine-field baseball/softball complex; three youth soccer fields; improvements of infrastructure to consolidate park maintenance operations; expanded parking; added park entrances; and other park enhancements.
Miami Shores Golf Course: Complete renovation of clubhouse; installation of an outdoor practice driving range.
HobartArena:Construction of second ice rink to north of arena.
Senior Citizens Center: Repair/renovations to roof, siding, foundation, doors, windows and concrete; restoration of shuffleboard courts; parking lot resurfacing.
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