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“Right away, the ScoreVision boards jump off the wall in terms of ‘we have something you don’t have’. And in the arms race that is recruiting and facilities, you want to have something that somebody else doesn’t have.”
That’s how Dave Kimura, football coach at Hastings College, describes the advantage of having ScoreVision jumbotrons when trying to recruit in-demand athletes to their athletics program.
Like Hastings College, other colleges, universities, junior colleges, and private high schools are enjoying the benefits of showing off their dedication to state-of-the-art technology, premier game-day experiences, and top-notch athletic programs to incoming recruits.
By displaying personalized graphics showing recruits' names and even showing what recruits would look like in your school's gear, recruiting days become much more personal and allow the recruits to envision themselves in your athletics program. These graphics, shown on a large, vibrant ScoreVision LED display in your facility, can show athletes and even non-athletic recruits that your school is dedicated to incredible facilities, professional-level game-day experiences, and an overall better student experience than other schools — without adding much extra effort to your recruiting process thanks to the ease-of-use afforded by ScoreVision's software.
Hear directly from a few customers who have improved their recruiting process by using their ScoreVision jumbotrons in our short video below!
To learn about other ways your school can benefit from a ScoreVision LED jumbotron scoreboard and software system, contact us today.