Reviews of "Recreation Facility Management" and "10-Minute Toughness"
Running Recreation
Nearly every phase of running a recreation center is covered in Recreation Facility Management: Design, Development, Operations, and Utilization ($59, Human Kinetics). Co-written by two professors and a municipal parks and rec director, this well-organized book covers everything from planning and building facilities to managing equipment, finances and employees, and coordinating security, scheduling and maintenance. A special section also addresses the oversight of parks, playgrounds, aquatic facilities and such ancillary spaces as parking lots and childcare areas. The information provides a comprehensive look at a diverse and increasingly complex field.
10 Minute Drill
In a book written for both professional athletes and business professionals, sports psychologist Jason Selk provides a three-phase plan for mental success both on and off the field. 10-Minute Toughness: The Mental-Training Program for Winning Before the Game Begins ($19.95, McGraw Hill) encourages readers to participate in daily mental workouts in which they first identify and focus on what it takes to succeed; then they must develop and utilize an effective goal-setting program before finally (and relentlessly) focusing on results. Working through these three phases will help connect a person's talents and abilities to the outcomes he or she is seeking - all in 10 minutes a day, Selk claims.