A combination of transparent and translucent glass allows a college rec center's gym to shine.
Bringing the outside in is delicate work in certain activity spaces because of the possibility of introducing glare to the surfaces of pools, sunshine into the eyes of basketball or volleyball players, or damaging UV rays onto the playing surfaces of ice rinks. Natural light is a more straightforward concept in fitness centers and along jogging tracks, where views are vital to exercisers' enjoyment of what otherwise might be monotonous activities. Where these areas mix, such as jogging tracks suspended in gyms, things can again get tricky.
At California State University, Chico's Wildcat Recreation Center, Sasaki Associates Inc. of San Francisco solved the problem by specifying a band of transparent glass within a large translucent glass system. The combined system gives joggers their exterior views and allows a large amount of mostly diffuse light into the space, while maintaining an effective thermal envelope. Nearby mature trees provide shade - further protection against the problems associated with direct light.