Online Athletics Interactive makes maintaining school sports websites easy.
Online Updating Service
High school athletic programs often neglect their web sites, offering woefully out-of-date schedules, rosters, scores, team photographs, and coaching and contact info. Some don't have a dedicated site at all. Acknowledging that void, Online Athletics Interactive develops free sites for middle and high school sports programs and provides back-end administration modules that make it easy for students, athletic directors, booster club members and others to create, organize and manage content, which also can include photo galleries and video. Sites are supported by vendor sponsorships secured by Online Athletics Interactive; schools also are welcome to sell local advertising and keep all of the profits. Some schools have transferred site-content management to journalism classes - providing an educational way to maintain updated and relevant pages. Thanks to an alliance with the North American Booster Club Association, the Atlanta-based company is in the process of branching out nationally.