While America has screeched to a halt and is more sedentary than ever during the time of COVID-19, PHIT America is working on a long-term plan to create more active kids and future consumers for the sports and fitness industry with its 50 Million Healthy Kids program.
The first step of the 50 Million Healthy Kids campaign involves a petition that aims to get a million American signatures on a simple online petition in support of having every kid notching 30 minutes of physical activity at least times a week in school.
“When we talk to Americans, very few are aware that almost 50 percent of schools have eliminated physical education programs. And, many don’t have recess. In fact, they are shocked to hear this,” said PHIT America Founder Jim Baugh in a statement. “Nearly every American will see the value of physical activity programs in schools and sign this petition. No matter what, we need to educate America on the inactivity issue that we face.”
PHIT America will utilize the signatures on the petition in multiple ways. To start, it will send the results to school officials and eventually members of Congress.
“And, when the long-term plan is rolled out, we are looking to pursue legislation, which will mandate every kid getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity at least three times a week in school,” said Baugh.
PHIT America also hopes members of the sports and fitness industry will sign the petition and circulate it to all of their contacts.
“How can anyone argue against this?” said Baugh. “School physical activity programs are a huge influence on whether a kid is active… outside of school. Most important for the sports industry, we will create new participants and consumers in the sports industry.”