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Spring has arrived, and with it, countless new memberships for those looking to attain that summer figure. As a gym owner or manager, how does one prepare for a season that brings in so much business? A good place to start is where many gym goers begin and end their workouts: in the locker room. Here are five quick tips for prepping your fitness center’s locker room for the spring rush.
#1: Sweat the Small Stuff
The little things can make a big difference! When was the last time you thought about what kind of soap you provide your members with? What kind of towels do you supply? Guests notice the smaller amenities and making a few seemingly small tweaks can create a significantly more satisfying member experience. Take stock of the small stuff, shop around with suppliers, and get creative with what you provide for your guests.
#2: Spring Cleaning
Of course regular sanitation of the locker room is a must for any gym or spa, but sometimes the hard-to-reach places get missed. Use the spring rush as an opportunity to perform a comprehensive cleaning of the locker room, scrubbing and disinfecting the spots that might get ignored during your routine cleaning schedule. Existing members will take notice, and new or prospective members will be wowed.
#3: Feng-Shui your Fitness Center
Often times, the atmosphere and overall feeling of a room can lift one’s mood and inspire a notion of serenity and achievement. From organizing the placement of locker room amenities so as to reduce clutter to creating more light in the space (natural or artificial), there are several easy ways to create good feng shui in your fitness center. Simply applying a fresh coat of paint or changing the locker room music to fit the style of your establishment can also improve the space’s energy. By creating an atmosphere tailored to that of your entire fitness center, you can transform your locker room and enhance membership experience. What better way to create a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for members than creating a harmonious space with positive energy?
#4: Lock In
The purpose of the locker room is right there in the name: lockers! Is the security you’re providing for your guests functioning as it should be? Gym theft is on the rise, and faulty locks/lockers can make it easier for your members to fall victim. Take the time to test all of your locks, and change the batteries if your facility is using electronic locks. It could be the difference that prevents a guest from losing their wallet!
#5: Upgrade!
What better way to attract and retain new members than introducing some shiny new hardware into your gym’s locker room? Consider installing new lockers, or upgrading your mechanical locks to more efficient and secure electronic locks. Big improvements such as these add value to each membership, and your guests will take notice.
The spring rush doesn’t have to seem so daunting with a bit of maintenance and a thorough cleaning. Giving that locker room just a little love can go a long way, both for you and your guests! For tips or more information on what kind of security is the best fit for your gym — and how to maintain it, visit or check out our blog.