The Greenasium Seeks to Offset Own Carbon Footprint

A new aptly named fitness center in Encinitas, Calif., is using cardio equipment that pushes electricity back into the grid, powering the 2,600-square-foot Greenasium gym and other electricity customers. According to Byron Spratt, co-owner of the San Diego area's first human-powered fitness studio, a Seattle-based company called Resource Fitness retrofitted the wheels on three specialty stationary bicycles at the facility. "The wheel creates DC power, converts it to AC power, which is plugged back into the wall, which puts energy back into the grid," he told NBC San Diego.

Spratt also said additional equipment will arrive in October to help offset the facility's carbon footprint even more. The goal, he added, is to produce enough energy to offset what the facility consumes. Every three months, management will look at The Greenasium's power-consumption totals and then sponsor activities (such as a beach cleanup) to offset any additional carbon footprint.

Other environmentally friendly elements of The Greenasium include dual-flush toilets and filtered tap water.

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