Blog: Beyond the Brick and Mortar Fitness Facility

What does it take to look beyond the brick and mortar fitness facility - your primary source of business - and instead focus on the greater needs of the consumer? Who is positioned to truly contribute to creating healthy communities around the United States and possibly the world? Take a look at a new offering from Technogym called "The Key." While not the first company to develop a pedometer type of product, it may very well be the first to link the gym with other fitness activities that happen away from the gym.

Scientifically validated at Arizona State University and by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, The Key's capabilities allow for measuring various ranges of motion and intensity, tracking biometrics and providing advice to a user on how to improve. One can also send messages to other people who are wearing the device.

Read any news report and you'll see that despite the preponderance of well-equipped and accessible health and fitness facilities, the frightening rise of obesity and cardiovascular disease continues. In our fast-paced and super-sized culture, being healthy is increasingly difficult because life has become so easy. When it comes to exercise, we want an app for that. Having to work harder and evolve the same type of exercise products in a low- to no-growth market doesn't make good business sense. Manufacturers have seen that vividly in 2010.

Fitness is important; fitness facilities are not. Improving the health and well being of families is vital to our economy and our nation. Engaging consumers in sustainable physical activity requires subtle yet powerful shifts in our approach. Much like a house of worship reinforces a lifestyle commitment with every visit, an experience in our fitness facilities can provide the necessary guidance and social reinforcement that supports the way we live and exercise when away from the center. To continue to be necessary, facilities must be a part of the long-term solution.

With the introduction of The Key, Technogym proves it is prepared to walk the talk, by making it inspiring and educational for all of us to do the same. Look for the official launch of this unique product in the first half of 2011.

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