We’re less than four weeks away from the first annual Interscholastic Athletics and After School Safety and Security Summit, which will be held on March 21-23 at the NCS4 Headquarters in Hattiesburg, MS. We hope you’ll make plans to join us for this important event as we create the first ever Safety and Security Best Practices Guide for high schools across the country.
The latest keynote speakers added to the agenda include Dr. Chuck Benigno, Superintendent of Laurel Mississippi Schools and Russell E. Bentley, Chief of Campus Police (Bibb County Public Schools) in Macon, GA. Hear from some of the top leaders in the field and network with other superintendents, principals, athletic directors, law enforcement, school resources officers and emergency managers.
The attendees at the Summit will have an opportunity to participate in moderated discussions (round robin format) for each of the designated issues:
- GameDay/Activities Safety and Security
- Emergency Operations Planning
- Identifying Threats and Hazards
- Safety and Security Staff Training
- Facilities Design/Environment
- Building Safety and Security Aware Culture
Download the latest Summit Agenda.