A particularly violent girls' high school soccer game in Florida set off alarm bells among some parents after gruesome pictures of injuries and aggressive play were posted on social media.
According to the Fort Meyers NBC affiliate, Estero High School and Fort Meyer’s High School faced off in a match that would see three Fort Meyers players sent to the hospital.
Prior to a game between Estero and Braden River on Tuesday, Braden River players showed their parents video of the violent game Estero had played against Fort Meyers, and parents expressed concern and are now looking for answers.
“From what my girls told me there weren’t any yellow cards or red cards issued," said Braden River Parent Giovanni Decastro. “If indeed there aren’t any penalties issued, then there is definitely a referee issue there.”
The Florida High School Athletics Association is working with the Southwest Florida Soccer Officials Association to understand what happened and address and concerns. Meanwhile, the Lee County School has asked FHSAA for a complete investigation.