The baby boomer generation may be aging, but it appears they aren’t letting retirement get in the way of leading a healthy lifestyle.
A recent study by the National Academy of Sports Medicine indicates personal training is becoming a post-retirement career for many baby boomers, as the number of 40-year-old plus trainers grew almost 10 percent from 2012 to 2013, according to a report by 92.3 KTAR-FM in Arizona Wednesday.
“I used to think that people who wanted to become personal trainers were young people,” NASM President Andrew Wyant told KTAR. “We have people who are retired teachers, firefighters or police officers who are 50, maybe even getting into their 60s [who] are interested in health and fitness and have a passion for helping other people.”
The NASM report also expects the personal training industry to experience a 2.9 percent increase in revenue in the next four years, which could make personal training a $10.8 billion industry by 2017.