The 27-year-old man who fell to his death from a Coors Field stairway railing in May had marijuana in his system, as well as a blood-alcohol percentage of 0.19 - more than twice the legal limit for driving. A Denver medical examiner's report indicates these factors played a "significant" role in Robert Seamans' death.
Seamans was attempting to slide down the railing during the seventh inning of a Colorado Rockies game May 24. He fell more than 20 feet, striking his head on concrete. He was declared brain dead 12 hours later.
Railings at Coors Field comply with Denver's building code, according to Rockies spokesperson Jay Alves, who told Associated Press writer P. Solomon Banda, "We're always observing and reviewing what we do at Coors Field to make it safe for our fans." In 2003, an escalator malfunction at Coors injured dozens of fans, prompting the Rockies to review the equipment's operation and maintenance.
Major League Baseball encouraged safety reviews at all of its stadiums following the fatal fall of Shannon Stone at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Texas, last month. Rangers officials announced July 19 that the team would raise railings in front of seating sections to a height of 42 inches.
It was not clear whether the alcohol consumed by Seamans was purchased at Coors Field, which terminates alcohol management strategies in its parks.