With bus drivers in short supply to shuttle Pewaukee (Wis.) High School's 650 athletes to and from games, the school's principal and athletic director decided to get behind the wheel.
The Goriteway Transportation Group that partners with Pewaukee High School told KY3 that the company has 21 bus drivers for the upcoming school year, but they say that is just enough to get by at the moment.
Athletic director Jeff Behrens and Pewaukee principal Brian Sniff decided they could fill in the gaps by getting their commercial driver's licenses.
“We had students that were leaving significantly early so the bus could drop them off at the other school and then be able to be back for the afternoon route,” principal Brian Sniff said.
“It’s another hat, but we are willing to do whatever we need to do to serve our kids,” Behrens said.
Behrens and Sniff are set to take their bus driving test on Friday. Should they pass, they say they'll hope in any way they can as long as they need to.