You never do know what you're going to find on a national governing body's website.
I was searching for some information on a specific sport the other day, and I stumbled across a note on the website, stating the NGB was looking for a host for their 2013 USA Team trials. Downloads were available, as was a source who could answer questions.
Now if this isn't a great opportunity for the right facility, I don't know what is. Really: hosting a USA team trial. That's a very big, very fancy feather in any city's cap. We're talking about sports and mainstream media coverage, nationally ranked athletes, the whole package. And the best part is this: What they're looking for is not something esoteric or hard to come by. What they're looking for is some really great indoor facilities with the right dimensions and furnishings, HVAC, support personnel and amenities. What's not to like? There isn't even a bid fee.
What amazed me was that the only place I'd seen this notice was on the website of the governing body. And maybe that's understandable. An NGB, particularly in an Olympics year, has a lot to do. Prospecting for a location wasn't as big a priority compared to all the work that would go into watching a national team compete in London. But that in no way made it less important, or less noteworthy - or no less of an opportunity for those who might want to bid.
The axiom may be "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door," but it doesn't hold true in the sports industry. So here's my charge to facility owners and managers: Market the heck out of your mousetrap. Check out the websites of NGBs, event owners and others. See who's looking. Advertise your facilities in the trade magazines, get quoted in articles, and make yourself known.
After all, you never do know who is looking for a place to host their next big party.
P.S. Interested in this particular team trial? You can go to this site and find all the information you need.