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Channel Glass Wall Creates Facility's Inner Glow
One on One: College World Series President Jack Diesing Jr. Transitions to New Venue
Maintaining a Facility During Busy Events Requires Trial and Error
Improvements Fabric Structures Provide Better Performance in Harsh Climates.
NCAA Rule Intended to Protect Student-Athletes does Opposite, Court Says
Faulty Press Box Stairs Result Death, Safety Violations and Fine
New Video System Helps University of Arizona Gymnasts Reach New Heights
When Purchasing Assets of a Health Club, Plan for an Orderly Succession
Legislation Stemming from High School Football Player's Death Affects Kentucky Coaches
Contract Bonuses Award College Coaches for All Sorts of Achievements
College Football Fans Bid Big Bucks to Win a Spot On Spring Game Sidelines
Cityscapes With State Parks Provide Urbanites a Valuable Connection to Nature
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